Monday, 22 September 2008

Woodacres Farm

A month or so ago I received a newsletter about the proposed development of a Golf Estate on the Woodacres farm and surrounding area. I'd always wanted to photograph there, but it was only until I heard that the farm stood deserted, that I decided to record the farm in photos.

It is a beautiful piece of ground with wonderful views of the Perdeberg and surrounds. The main house called 'Rose Cottage' is built from stone, and I can imagine how beautiful it must have been with a garden, and children running around.

Now it is just a shellof it'sformer glory, with very little left of the interior. The scavengers had done an excellent job at bringing the place to it's architectural knees.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

The old Stone Tannery

Situated against the hills above Kliprivier Road, I found the ruins of what I believe to be; either a Tannery or Abattoir of sorts.

On the way.

The Tannery ruins.